Saturday, September 11, 2010

as of today's DATE

*yawnnn* good morning!

Last night was a good sleep. WHY? because it was without axieties or worries of assignments even though i didn't do anything last night. Got back home tired after work. No mood to continue assignment and was reluctant to even do anything instead had watched Gossip Girls, sort of a reward for me for working so hard. yay!

Theory submission is coming up soon, like this coming wednesday. I have no idea how to do until today's date. But before that, Design submission this tues and then later part Landscape on friday. Wow, how do i even juggle my time.

It stucked me that i've not been spending much time with God lately after the previous major submission. Conclusion to that is... how quickly God's forgotten. Exactly coincide with what i read this morning. Sometimes i wonder all those days that i've skipped my devotion and the time i get back to it, it sort of tally back to the current situation. Çan we then actually doubt God's timing? I believe there's always something that is beyond our imagination. Not that i'm saying we should always missed daily devotion..

so then... what's up now?? Back to getting close to God. thrusting Him in current situation and situation to come. Believing that He is the all source of healing. Lord, come heal my backache.... :(

Alright, Mcd break for now and then begin HTD... Diagram, Language and Technology. themes that i'm looking at. Hope i'm able to get inspiration and write those theory out by this evening.

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