Sunday, October 4, 2009

Daylight Saving in Tasmania

Daylight Saving starts in Tasmania on Sunday 4th October
Daylight Saving Time (or summertime as it is called in many countries) is a way of getting more light out of the day by advancing clocks by one hour during the summer. During Daylight Saving Time, the sun appears to rise one hour later in the morning, when people are usually asleep anyway, and sets one hour later in the evening, seeming to stretch the day longer. Benjamin Franklin first suggested Daylight Saving Time in 1784, but it was not until World War I, in 1916, when it was adopted by several counties in Europe that initially rejected the idea. In which direction does the clock move? The clock moves ahead when DST starts, typically in the spring, and falls back one hour when DST ends in the fall. To make it easier to remember which way the clock goes, keep in mind one of these sayings: “spring forward, fall back” or “spring ahead, fall behind.”

Therefore we've lost an hour. Now, everything is an hour ahead. so confusing laa..
I can't believe that I'm now 3hrs ahead of Msia time. sigh
Makes it even harder to communicate with family members and love ones

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